Listen, I can't lie and tell you I'm the super outdoorsy type; however, Chef Rene Ortiz cooking for
Outstanding in the Field at Boggy Creek Farm can certainly get me to connect with nature!!!
Chef camped out the night before in order to set up this AMAZING feast. Now, if you're vegetarian, vegan, or a super active member of PETA, stop reading now.
He chose to cook two whole pigs (raised specifically for this event by Richardson Farms)
al asador which actually looked like he had crucified two pigs, butterflied them (cut them right down the middle), and taken the gross intestines and such out.
It was quite a sight. First, walking into the farm and seeing all the gorgeous vegetables, plants, chicken coop, the Outstanding in the Field bus and artistically simple table. Then, looking past the lush greens and seeing my swiney friends roasting in their last couple of hours before going straight into my belly.
I've traveled, but I'm not the most 'wordly' person per se...the only other time I have ever seen this cooking technique was on the No Reservations episode where Francis Mallman cooks an entire meal in this very primitive way in the countryside of Uruguay. It was awesome.
There's little I can say about the menu. You can imagine the freshness of all the ingredients involved and the combination of such amazing food with the creative mind of Chef Ortiz and Pastry Chef Sawicki.
Here it is:
Dewberry Farm chicken liver pate, tomato marmalade, house pullman bread
Eggplant, Waterroak Farm goat's milk ricotta, quinoa cracker, gause yaupon honey Boggy Creek turnips, White Mountain yogurt, Lightsey Farms persimmon vinaigrette
Deviled Lockhart quail eggs
2008 Furne Blanc, Pleasant Hill Winery
Mixed Boggy Creek Farm herbs & lettuces, five minute Soncrest Farm egg, quinoa, Pure Luck Farms feta & sorrel-garlic aioli
Colina Bianca, Pleasant Hill Winery
Roasted Richardson Farms whole hog, pickles, apple chutney & cornbread
Dad's Red Blend, Pleasant Hill Winery
Richardson Farms bone-in rib eye with oak-smoked Jenschke Farm butternut squash
2003 Cabernet Sauvignon, Pleasant Hill Winery
"Tubby J. Tupelo" honey pie: Boggy Creek Gause Yaupon honey, Pure Luck Farms Hopelessly Bleu cheese, roasted Fredericksburg golden apple compote
Blanc du Bois, Pleasant Hill Winery
New friends were made, all the wine was drunk, bugs were repelled (we were at a farm, hello!), and I was very happy.
If you're unfamiliar with Outstanding in the Field, check out the link. Also, I've recently learned that Chef James Holmes of
Olivia cooked for these guys two days later!